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The Improving Annotator: From Beginner to Master

The Improving Annotator: From Beginner to Master

Koszt wysyłki: od 8,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9781936277049

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Kod EAN: 9781936277049

Cena: 76,00 zł

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Annotating your own games can help you to play better chess. By examining the choices you made during the game – and how they turned out – you can pinpoint the flaws in your thinking process so that you can work on them.

Chess master, author, and renowned teacher Dan Heisman shows you the whys and the hows of annotating your games. Using entertaining clashes from four decades of tournament play, Heisman traces his own development as a player and analyst, illustrating how his method works in practice.

Adding recent games and new comments that shed light on his original annotations, in this revised and expanded edition of The Improving Annotator the author explores the benefits and pitfalls of letting computers do our thinking for us, and explains the best way to use them for analysis.

Also by Dan Heisman is The Improving Chess Thinker (Mongoose Press; Original edition December 1, 2009)

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