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The Complete Hedgehog, Volume 2: The Hedgehog lives!

The Complete Hedgehog, Volume 2: The Hedgehog lives!

Koszt wysyłki: od 10,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9781936277223

Stan magazynowy:

Kod EAN: 9781936277223

Liczba stron: 584

Oprawa: miękka

Rok wydania: 2011

WAGA: 730 g

Cena: 109,00 zł

Chwilowo niedostępny

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The Hedgehog lives! GM Sergey Shipov concludes his monumental investigation of this counterattacking system for Black with in-depth coverage of formations arising from 1.e4 and 1.d4. 

Sparing no effort to discover best play for both sides, he presents White’s most promising plans and breathes new life into variations that – according to theory – had turned the Hedgehog into an endangered species.

Like its companion volume focusing on the English Opening, this is no dry reference manual, but a labor of love and a lively exposition of the opening’s strategic basis and typical tactical ideas. 

Along the way, the reader is treated to the author’s wide-ranging observations on such topics as the usefulness of computers in opening analysis; the dangers of narrow thinking; and the value of optimism to a chessplayer’s rating.

The Hedgehog is an unconventional opening requiring unconventional treatment by both Black and White. Sit down with one of its foremost experts and learn how elite players including Fischer, Karpov, and Judit Polgar honed it into a formidable weapon.

Russian GM Sergey Shipov is a highly respected author and trainer, best known for his live online commentary at top international chess tournaments. He is the author of The Complete Hedgehog, Vol. 1 

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