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Playing 1.e4 - Caro-Kann, 1...e5 and Minor Lines by John Shaw (miękka okładka)

Playing 1.e4 - Caro-Kann, 1...e5 and Minor Lines by John Shaw (miękka okładka)

Koszt wysyłki: od 8,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9781907982224

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Kod EAN: 9781907982224

Cena: 132,00 zł

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Wydanie w miękkiej okładce, wersja językowa - angielska.

Developing a punchy repertoire with 1.e4 requires extensive research, mixed with fine judgement and a good deal of creativity. In this two-volume work, GM John Shaw supplies an ambitious and dynamic arsenal of ideas for White. The repertoire is built around main lines, with many innovative suggestions that will cause no end of trouble to your opponents.

This volume covers the Caro-Kann, 1...e5 and various minor openings. The repertoire will be completed by Playing 1.e4 - Sicilian & French.

John Shaw is a grandmaster and three-time Scottish Champion.

ISBN: 978-1-907982-22-4 - 632 pages - Published 29 June 2016

Reviews of the author’s previous work:

“John Shaw’s long-awaited Magnum Opus The King’s Gambit is an impressively objective attempt at covering one of the sharpest openings.”
GM Michael Adams, Daily Telegraph

“The King’s Gambit is a fantastic publication that is clearly the result of a tremendous amount of work by Shaw, for which he deserves immense credit.”
GM David Smerdon, ChessVibes

“It took the author five years to write this book... It’s truly a work of love.”
GM Hans Ree, New in Chess

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