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King's Indian 2 by Gawain Jones (twarda okładka)

King's Indian 2 by Gawain Jones (twarda okładka)

Koszt wysyłki: od 8,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9781784831769

Stan magazynowy:

Kod EAN: 9781784831769

Oprawa: twarda

Cena: 165,00 zł

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Wydanie w twardej okładce, wersja językowa angielska.

King’s Indian 2 is the concluding volume of a complete repertoire for Black. GM Gawain Jones is the ideal guide, as a world-class player and longstanding expert on the King’s Indian. This book version of Jones’s Chessable course has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess.

Volume 1 analysed the main lines after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6. This book picks up where the previous one left off, showing how to defang the Averbakh and Four Pawns Attack, before moving on to the popular Fianchetto System. Jones also offers extensive coverage of the various Anti-King’s Indian options White may try after 1.d4 Nf6, as well as a detailed guide to using the King’s Indian against 1.c41.Nf3 and other first moves – everything except 1.e4!

The King’s Indian is an ideal weapon to combine dynamic counterattacking play with complete theoretical soundness. A past favourite of both Fischer and Kasparov, it continues to perform well at the highest levels of modern chess. With top-notch analysis and insightful verbal explanations, King’s Indian 1 & 2 offer everything you need to play this opening with confidence.

GM Gawain Jones is an English grandmaster, twice British Champion and winner of the 2020 European Blitz Championship. He continues to use the King’s Indian as his main weapon against the world elite.

664 pages - Published 18 May 2022

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