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Challenging the Grunfeld by Edward Dearing (miękka okładka)

Challenging the Grunfeld by Edward Dearing (miękka okładka)

Koszt wysyłki: od 8,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9789197524346

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Kod EAN: 9789197524346

Cena: 113,00 zł

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Wersja językowa książki - angielska.

The young Scottish IM delivers a profound yet entertaining survey of the statistically most dangerous line against the Grünfeld Defence: the Modern Exchange Variation with 8.Rb1. Dearing has achieved the very difficult balance between analytical depth and general explanation which is seldom achieved even by seasoned writers.

ISBN: 9789197524346 - 208 pages - Published 15 April 2005


"This is Dearing's second book, and he has hit a second home run. Unlike many lazier authors, Dearing works hard to find all the latest material, he presents it in an instructive manner and uses lots of text to explain the goings on, and he doesn’t fall back on a line that might be proven ineffective a few months down the line..." Jeremy Silman (full review)

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