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A Spanish Repertoire for Black by Mihail Marin (miękka okładka)

A Spanish Repertoire for Black by Mihail Marin (miękka okładka)

Koszt wysyłki: od 8,00 zł

Numer katalogowy: 9789197600507

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Kod EAN: 9789197600507

Cena: 113,00 zł

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Wersja językowa książki - angielska.

A World Class Repertoire Against 1.e4!

As the title suggests, the repertoire is based on the respected Spanish Opening, or the Ruy Lopez, as it is sometimes called. In his previous book, Beating the Open Games, Grandmaster Mihail Marin dealt with White’s options up to 3.Bb5. Now Marin provides all the answers for Black after 4.Ba4. This depth of chess expertise has rarely been published for a mass audience before, as grandmasters usually prefer to keep their secrets. The complexity of the material could have been daunting, but Marin is also a master of explaining profound ideas to a wide audience.



"We are given what Marin feels are the very best ways for Black to play, while refusing to hide the ‘good stuff' for himself. I have never seen an active professional grandmaster do this before... Clear and incredibly useful explanations literally fill every page."

IM Jeremy Silman


"The depth and thoroughness of the introductory comments is absolutely astounding. I now know that my knowledge of the deeper strategies behind these lines was very superficial and left much to be desired on several levels. This book is simply phenomenal and a must buy for anyone playing either side of the Ruy Lopez. This is easily one of the very finest opening books of the year."

Carsten Hansen, ChessCafe


"His own analyses are everywhere, which in Marin's case doesn't just mean a novelty here or there but also involves some well-thought-out arguments. His explanations are world class... I would recommend Marin's work for those wanting a lesson in strategic thinking along with strong GM-insight."

GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess




ISBN: 9789197600507 - 232 pages - Published 13 June 2007

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